Club Grapevine
Grapevine Essex is delighted to offer members a weekly social club at Moulsham High School in Chelmsford. Over 60 adults with learning disabilities attend regularly each week.
Club Grapevine has recently moved premises from Columbus College to Moulsham High School, Brian Close, Chelmsford CM2 9ES.
The Club runs on Tuesday evenings during term time from 6:30-8:30pm. Members are adults with learning disabilities from the age of 18, there is no upper age limit. Organised activities take place every week and include discos, karaoke, dance, drama, art, craft, and music workshops, along with film nights, visiting theatre performers, animal handlers and quizzes.
Members are supported by a team of experienced staff and volunteers and there are always first aiders present.
Moulsham High School
Brian Close
Tuesday evening, 6:30 pm to 8.30 pm (School Term time only)
The weekly subscription to Club Grapevine is £6.00 and includes refreshments; special activities may be slightly more. Payment can be made weekly or per term by arrangement.
All enquiries should be made to Club Grapevine Manager, Vanessa Hellier. Tel 07976 578868 or email
Club Grapevine is held during school term times
“Activities are all good and well chosen”
“I enjoy the company, playing bingo, bowling and disco”
“The club is held locally - convenient to get to. The weekly activities are rotated. The trips off site in the summer holidays are varied and amazing.”
Club Grapevine gallery